I want to start by saying that I respect Doug Ose for bucking up and helping Tom McClintock in the general election in 2008 after annihilating him with $7 million in attack ads. I believe that McClintock’s 1700 vote victory was aided in a substantial way by Doug Ose.
Doug Ose is a well-respected businessman in the Sacramento Area as well.
I remember the 2008 Congressional Campaign like it was yesterday. I made some enemies and some friends. The genesis of my war with Doug LaMalfa was in that campaign and Doug Elmets will never forgive me for whaling the tar out of him, too.
This is the nature of the beast in politics – and why I took the time to recognize Ose for what he did for McClintock after the primary – it was rare and stands in contrast to what most do.
This is why I signed the don’t run letter. I don’t want to have to nuke Doug Ose.
Ose is a part of the “Old Guard” that cost the GOP everything in 2008,2010 and 2012. The “Old Guard” is why we have the Tea Party inciting political anarchy and screwing the GOP out of winnable races.
Red State covered the letter – and linked a copy of it an an excellent diary by Jason Pye.
Like Doug LaMalfa – Doug Ose has pocketed millions in Farm Welfare.
Excerpting the blog: They noted that Ose supported the Farm Bill, from which he benefited; an expensive new entitlement in Medicare Part D; McCain-Feingold, which attempted to suppress political speech; and wasteful budgets.
Ose proposed net-spending increase of $65.9 billion in his last two terms in Congress, according to data complied by the National Taxpayers Union. The only spending cut he proposed was repeal of the automatic pay adjustment for members of Congress, which would’ve saved taxpayers $2 million.
Roll Call also covered the letter as did a Sacramento Bee Capitol Alert.
Ose vs. Birman is Ose vs. McClintock Part 2.
BTW – Ami Bera? He is a trainwreck – he has scored a perfect 0% on every major right-leaning scorecard. Even Harry Reid has scored 15-20% for example.
If the Fraud Doctor Ami Bera thinks that a bloody primary is going to help him – he is out of his mind. However, I know that Bera has the advantage of not using a Republican Consultant so I am sure they are ready…
… to be continued.